
Motopp anno now: A growing success!

5 October 2023 | 3 minuten leestijd

Motopp anno now: A growing success!

What began as a promising initiative has evolved into a company making significant impact in the Netherlands. Read about Motopp’s current position!

Motopp: Current status overview

In today’s rapidly changing world, it’s inspiring to see how a company like Motopp has made significant impact in just three years. What started as a promising initiative has grown into a company that has a considerable impact on Dutch society and the business world.

Over the past three years since its founding, Motopp has been proactive. The company has evolved into a leading recruiter and educator of status holders, making a significant impact in the Dutch corporate landscape. It has addressed job vacancies and collaborated with as many as 150 different municipalities to provide long-term unemployed refugees with job opportunities. Motopp has achieved impressive results, with 122 successful placements of ‘Motoppers’ who have fulfilled their potential within various companies.

Not only has Motopp expanded its reach in the Netherlands, but it has also motivated over 45 major Dutch companies to engage with our Motoppers. These companies rely on Motopp not only to strengthen their IT teams but also to meet their Social Return on Investment (SROI) obligations.

An Active Participant in the Social Debate

Motopp hasn’t limited itself to just business success; it has also become an active and visible participant in the societal debate surrounding status holders and newcomers. In the face of persistent challenges surrounding migration and the aftermath of the migrant crisis, Motopp has become a example of how companies can play a positive role in integrating new members into society.

Contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals

With our core activities, we actively contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 5 (Gender Equality), 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), and 10 (Reduced Inequality in Economic Development). By providing work opportunities and supporting highly educated status holders, Motopp directly contributes to these important global initiatives.

Expansion of Expertise Areas

In addition to IT professionals, Motopp has expanded its expertise to other fields, such as training claims handlers for a major insurer. The company demonstrates that its unique approach to selection and training can be applied across various sectors, resulting in valuable opportunities for both status holders and employers.

A triple win!

One of Motopp’s most impressive achievements is the fact that 95% of Motoppers are hired on a permanent basis by their employers after successfully completing their guidance program. This demonstrates that Motopp is not only a win-win for employers and employees, but also for society as a whole.

As the world continues to evolve and challenges persist, Motopp remains committed to carrying out its mission and making a positive impact. In a time where the migration issue remains prominent, Motopp serves as a good example of how businesses can contribute to an inclusive and prosperous society.

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