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Questions about the Motopp IT-traineeship program.

Do you work for a municipality, a WSP region or the UWV, and do you want to ensure that status holders have a chance on the labor market? Are you a highly educated status holder and do you want more details about how we help you to a great career at a high level in the Netherlands? Colleague Anna will be happy to inform you!

Call: +31 (0)20 2610453

Email Anna

Interested in a partnership.

Are you interested in becoming our partner and offering motivated newcomers a job perspective? Do you have vacancies for which you are looking for a sustainable solution? Do you want to do something about social return and are you interested in our approach? Colleague Magnus will be happy to talk to you to discuss a collaboration.

Call: +31 (0)20 2610453

Email Magnus

Get in touch.

Ask your questions or give your remarks, using the form below. We will contact you as soon as possible.

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Do you have any questions?

The background and reason to choose a guided path to a new job in IT is different for every newcomer. View the most frequently asked questions here.

For you as a status holder, absolutely nothing. We pay for your IT-Career training and reimburse your travel expenses. Most of the time, you follow the training ‘remote’, from your own home workplace. Twice a week you come to our office in Amsterdam for a joint workshop, with other Motoppers. When we have matched you with an employer after the training course, you can of course do paid work.

We understand that you are extra vigilant about the safety of you and your family. We collect data online only anonymously. When we ask you to fill in a form and leave data, we do so on a platform where we have observed security measures. Your data will never be shared to third parties without permission. See our privacy statement, with more detail on how we handle your data. 

The fact that you already have the necessary skills is great. You might also already have the necessary certificates or even completed a IT-related training in your country of origin. You will probably recognise that finding a job is not yet so easy as a status holder. Employers worry about your gap in the language, your motivation, your understanding of Dutch business culture. That is exactly what we are going to solve for you. If you are selected by us, you will enter an intensive guidance programme, where we are going to help you solve obstacles and realise that job opportunity. 

At Motopp, we don’t look at where you come from, but at where you want to go and what affinity you have with IT. Explain in your motivation letter why we should invest in you. For the IT Traineeship, you don’t necessarily need programming knowledge. Within IT, ‘soft skills’ are also needed.

That can vary depending on the difficulty of the training content. On average, you can expect it to last between 3 to 6 months. During this period, we focus on developing interpersonal skills, such as presentation techniques, collaboration (agile/scrum methodologies), language proficiency, and cultural integration. Additionally, there are intensive workshops dedicated to acquiring professional skills. 

This largely depends on you. We require maximum commitment from you throughout the entire process. However, you also gain a great deal in return. Once you have successfully completed your training and we have selected you to be matched with a client, it is highly likely that you will be able to start working. However, if a match isn’t achieved (which is rare), we will make every effort to find you another employer. 

Once you have been matched for work, you will receive an employment contract and will be employed by Motopp. From Motopp, you will be placed for your IT job at one of our clients. This is often for a period of 18 months. It ensures that you receive a basic salary, can leave your benefits situation, build up a pension, are insured for illness and are entitled to the regular employment safety net in the Netherlands. After these 18 months, 96% of all our Motoppers are offered an extension by their client. We intensively guide the transition, check in with you every two weeks, so that you end up in a good place.

Sometimes, unexpected situations arise that are beyond your control. If you are enrolled in a training program with us, we are committed to your success. Please inform us about any changes, and we will endeavor to collaborate with you to find a solution. While we may not be able to address every situation, discussing them together may still yield potential solutions. In some cases, this may involve temporarily suspending the process until the issue is resolved. 

The training program requires full-time availability. If you are selected, we will notify you no later than one month before the training starts. If you have caregiving responsibilities for children or sick parents, discuss your options at home and feel free to consult us about potential solutions. While the program will be intensive, remember it offers a valuable opportunity. If you cannot commit at this time but may be available later, please inform us. Either way, let us know if you’re interested or check back with us later. 

If there isn’t a suitable match between you and the client (which rarely occurs), we will seek out alternative opportunities. 

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