
Do the political parties contribute to more working status holders?

13 November 2023 | 5 minuten leestijd

Do the political parties contribute to more working status holders?

On 22 November, the Netherlands will once again go to the polls. With increasing media attention, it has become clear that migration and asylum are once again important themes for voters. Motopp has studied a large number of election manifestos, with special attention to the parties’ positions on work and integration. We have of course also looked at the suggestions that political parties put forward to solve the challenges that newcomers in the Netherlands face when looking for suitable work.

We have analysed the election manifestos of the nine largest parties: NSC, VVD, PVV, PvdA-GL, BBB, CDA, D66, PvdD and CU.

For the PVV, this involves analysing the topics that are important for short-term status holders. Among other things, the PVV writes that too much money is spent on the inefficient guidance of status holders to work. Something that Motopp also notes. Furthermore, the party has a clear vision on asylum (not or as little as possible in any case), but no attention is paid to work, integration, diversity or social return.

Of the other parties, the VVD is the only one that adheres to strict rules regarding work during the asylum procedure. They expect that this could strengthen the rights of refugees and increase their chances of obtaining asylum status. With the CDA, asylum seekers are allowed to work after three months.

All parties emphasize the importance of language proficiency. Parties such as NSC and VVD see this as a requirement, while others such as PvdA-GL and PvdD emphasize the role of the government in offering language lessons.

Almost every program focuses on integration through participation in the labor market and tries to remove certain obstacles. For example, the VVD wants status holders to be able to obtain a BSN number quickly, while BBB wants to offer more active guidance to work. PvdD also advocates improved guidance and is the only party to propose allocating more financial resources to municipalities to carry out this task.

Some parties have formulated positions that may pose a challenge to Motopp in helping status holders find suitable work. For example, BBB wants to abolish the priority for asylum seekers in obtaining housing. Although we understand why this consideration is made, it is essential for status holders to have a secure place to live when starting a new career with a Dutch employer.

It is also relevant that VVD and CDA talk about a starter job instead of a benefit for status holders. This could be a subsidized job from the government, for example in cleaning at a care institution. However, it is still the case that status holders can only be supervised from a benefit, so that they can follow their education and internship during the duration of the benefit without the employer having to pay extra high costs. This therefore presents challenges.

We are pleased that D66 and PvdA GL explicitly mention the advantages of an environment with diverse people and backgrounds. For example, D66 says: “Society becomes more fun and interesting if we embrace diversity.” And PvdA-GL writes: For an integrated approach to discrimination, racism, gender inequality and sexual violence, it is crucial to promote diversity in all sectors”

At Motopp, we also see the value of diversity in society and in the workplace every day. However, we do not give voting advice from Motopp. But of course it would be nice if you also thought of status holders and others with a distance to the labor market in the voting booth.

Key positions per party

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