Whitepaper IT-recruitment

There are a number of trends that will keep the challenge of finding good IT specialists high in the coming years. But there are also opportunities. In this whitepaper we give a fresh and inclusive look at the possibilities that are also there. We hope you get inspired.

Difficulty filling IT-vacatures?

With the knowledge from this whitepaper, you can increase your recruitment success in the field of IT recruitment. In addition, you contribute to the attractiveness and equal opportunities within your teams, which leads to better performance of the IT departments, as well as of the organization towards its customers. Discover what the world of IT recruitment looks like at the moment, and what fresh and inclusive opportunities Motopp sees for your organization.

Discover some usefull insights today!

Do you need more to convince you, or do you just want to brainstorm? Get in touch and explore your questions with an expert in IT recruitment at Motopp. More than 50 renowned companies have already chosen our approach! Don’t wait too long, and find out how Motopp can respond to your IT vacancies with a fresh and inclusive perspective. Colleague Magnus will be happy to talk to you to discuss the opportunities and possibilities.

Call: +31 (0)20 2610453

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Discover it's contents:

1-18 pages

Discover it’s contents:

Our whitepaper answers the following topics, and a lot of extras:

  • How the IT recruitment market is currently doing in figures.
  • Which concrete trends are making it increasingly difficult to find well-trained IT specialists.
  • How competitors are trying to close the IT labor gap with a different approach.
  • What a fresh and inclusive perspective can bring to your potential.
  • What Motopp can add to the IT recruitment mix.
  • Some interesting facts and figures about Motopp.

Want to know more about our whitepaper?

The whitepaper can be downloaded for free. See here the most frequently asked questions.

We are at home in the world of IT recruitment and would like to share our vision of developments in the IT market with you and draw your attention to our belief in equal opportunities for highly educated and motivated status holders and newcomers.

Yes, we offer the whitepaper for free. We do ask for your email address, because we would like to know who is interested in the information we provide. We may contact you once via this email address, to ask what you think of the whitepaper and to check whether you have any questions or comments. Of course, you are free to refuse this contact request.

When we ask you to fill out a form and leave your details, we do so on a platform where we have taken security measures into account. Your details will never be shared with third parties without permission. View our privacy statement, with more details about how we handle your details.

Collegue Magnus will gladly discuss any questions or remarks with you.

Mail to: [email protected]

or Call: +31 (0)20 2610453