How we help unused talent find a job in the IT-sector?

We guide motivated status holders to opportunities to build a life and fill the shortage of IT specialists. We have developed our own unique approach for this.

of which 96% have a permanent contract after 18 months. 250+ successfully trained Motoppers. 50+ satisfied clients. 31+ nationalities educated to become new working talent. of which 96% have a permanent contract after 18 months. 250+ successfully trained Motoppers. 50+ satisfied clients. 31+ nationalities educated to become new working talent. of which 96% have a permanent contract after 18 months. 250+ successfully trained Motoppers. 50+ satisfied clients. 31+ nationalities educated to become new working talent. of which 96% have a permanent contract after 18 months. 250+ successfully trained Motoppers. 50+ satisfied clients. 31+ nationalities educated to become new working talent.
Our investment goes far beyond professional skills.

Our unique approach

Our investment goes far beyond professional skills.

At Motopp, we work on the basic skills needed to work in a leading company. This goes beyond subject-specific skills, but also focuses on personal development, communication, cooperation and presentation techniques. Someone’s self-confidence is boosted, allowing the Motopper to exceed his or her own ambitions, and those of the client and those around him or her.

Our training program

With our intensive pre-selection and training of 3 to 6 months we guide status holders step by step to a new future. This is the prelude to work, where we then guide them intensively for another year.


01 Basic training

For two weeks we provide a variety of workshops focused on the integration on Dutch working culture, presentation techniques, language skills, Agile/scrum and introduction to Dutch values and norms.  

01 Basic training

02 Bootcamp

For 12 weeks, Motoppers receive a technical boot camp, in which they are trained to become a professional such as junior analyst, developer, application manager, tester or data engineer.

02 Bootcamp

03 Internship

In 3 to 6 months at Motopp, Motoppers work in collaboration to improve their technical, communication and professional skills.  

03 Internship

04 Ready for work

When Motoppers are ready for work we send their profile to partner clients and arrange an interview. If there is a match with a client, the Motopper will start his career in the Dutch business world. During the first year, we offer 2-weekly workshops and coaching sessions to ensure the chance of sustainable success.  

04 Ready for work
  • Future perspectives for our Motoppers arise from the possibility to contribute to Dutch society as a newcomer. This leads to an improved sense of well-being by the sense of belonging somewhere.


  • A highly motivated, culturally and internationally balanced workforce contributes to an adaptive, innovative, profitable and competitive market position. 

  • Lowering the cost of society and a constantly growing economy.  

Motopp’s succes formule

A Triple win

By training unused talent for a future in the Dutch labour market, we solve unfilled vacancies for companies and help them meet social return (SROI) obligations. This results in a ‘triple win’: a success for status holders, a success for competing organisations and a success for society. 

The Motopp journey

Motopp works according to a sophisticated process that we continuously optimize together with municipalities and our training partners. This is the foundation of our success formula.


01. Recruitment status holders.

Through targeted marketing campaigns, face-to-face reclame and cooperation with municipalities, candidates are recruited.  

02. CV’s preselection.

A pre-selection of CVs and cover letters is made, including an initial background check.  


03. Assessment.

An initial selection of candidates is made on the basis of an interview and general assessment of basic skills.  




04. Basic skills training.

Candidates are offered a program of training in addition to professional knowledge that focuses on cultural integration, language skills, collaboration and local business values. 


05. Matchmaking.

The candidate is matched to our portfolio of clients and open positions.  


06. Personal Development Plan (PDP).

The matched Motopper starts work with the client. A PDP can be drawn up in consultation with the client. 




07. Guided introduction.

The Motopper receives a supervised introduction to the client’s team and an introduction to the company’s organisational structure and core values 



08. Biweekly guidance.

Active guidance from the Motopper’s personal People Development Manager every two weeks.  


09. Ongoing evaluations.

Evaluation with the client every month, every 3 months with the client and the Motopper.




10. facilitating additional in-service training.

Every two weeks, additional workshops are facilitated from Motopp in the areas of culture, technology and collaboration.  


11. Customised training.

If necessary, additional training sessions are organised to meet additional client needs to achieve certain goals.  


12. Supervised transition to a permanent contract.

Motopp accompanies the Motopper on an ongoing basis until the end of his 12-month contract, with a view to renewing the contract under favourable conditions with the client.  


What is included in our training program?

In addition to technical skills, we offer guidance for additional skills required in Dutch business.

Basic skills

Over 3 to 5 weeks, we train cultural integration, language skills and understanding of local business culture through various workshops.

Presentation technique

Communication is key within Dutch companies, so we train face-to-face presentation techniques to remove the barrier to cooperation.

Biweekly Workshops

Once the Motopper has started working for the client, we continuously test and educate required skills every 2 weeks. 

Agile scrum technique

To get along smoothly in business, and especially within IT departments, it is important that our Motoppers understand the art of agile-scrum techniques.

Professional skills

We train what the customer needs, such as the expertise needed to adequately handle damages, or specific programming knowledge for a new application.


Any additional skills required are educated in a bespoke approach, so that a Motopper can continue to add value for the customer. 

Building blocks for success.

The Motopp journey

Building blocks for success.

Each candidate is provided with a Personal Development Plan (PDP), which forms the foundation of our intensive guidance program aimed at enhancing Motoppers‘ skills and integration. This includes improvements in technical skills, motivation, and cooperation techniques. 

What our Motoppers say
”It’s not easy to find work. I studied in Syria and got a good education. But everything is different here. Motopp teaches you what the work culture is like in the Netherlands, how to work in teams, and helps you find a job.”
Salma Mendix Maker at ABN AMRO
Read about Motopp and ABN AMRO (in Dutch)
Motopp helps you find a job
What our Motoppers say
”I have no background in IT or formal IT training. What I do have is a passion and interest for this field. I don’t see learning and doing what you love as hard work, but something I love to do.”
Hikmet Mendix Maker
Read my story (in Dutch)
No education but passion and interest in IT
What our Motoppers say
‘’Having knowledge makes you more powerful. As long as you have power, you can do it.’’
Fadi Mendix Maker at PostNL
Read my story (in Dutch)
Motopp has given me the chance to build a future
Motopp helps you find a job
No education but passion and interest in IT
Motopp has given me the chance to build a future

Why everyone is proud of their collaboration with Motopp.

We regularly hear from organisations that work with us or provide a workplace for our Motoppers that seeing someone’s outlook on life change is incredibly satisfying.

Solve labor shortages with new talent

Motopp offers companies the opportunity to address labor shortages by training and deploying talented status holders in the field of IT.

Investing in human capital pays off

Working with Motopp means investing in the future, where talented status holders contribute to the productivity and increase the return of your organization.

Creative teams thanks to diversity

Motopp brings diversity and new cultural and customer-driven perspectives to your team, leading to innovative solutions and creative collaboration.

Meet 100% SROI requirements

For many companies, working with Motopp means they can fully meet Social Return on Investment (SROI) requirements, where social impact is central.

Contribute to SDGs 4, 5, 8 and 10

Motopp’s collaboration supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which contribute to a more liveable world for everyone in 2030.

Social Enterprise

Motopp is a social enterprise that is committed to creating a positive impact for companies, status holders and society, a triple win.

Do you want to help a Motopper on his way to a job?
We would like to meet you.